Raimund Riedmann was only 16 when he took sole control of a glider for the first time. While he could never have dreamt that one day he would be flying a DC-6, B-25, Lightning, Mustang and Corsair, fortune favours the brave.
Today the native of Tyrol is one of the most versatile pilots around, equally at home performing at air shows or flying business jets. He has performed at AirPower, flown as a captain in the USA and taken a sunset flight into the mountains in a Piper Cub: for him, flying is everything; the aircraft itself is often secondary. In his capacity as chief pilot and Flight Officer for fixed-wing aircraft, he has played his part in the evolution of the Flying Bulls. He brings passionate pilots and superb aeroplanes together, never failing to leave spectators breathless.
Raimund, you have flown so many different aircraft. How do you switch from one to another so quickly – for example, from a warbird to a DC-6 or a business jet?
RR: When I climb into a cockpit, I’m pretty much ready to go. Of course, you need to know certain things like power settings. My advantage is that I gained experience in flying at a very young age, and I continue to build on that foundation. I started out with gliders when I was 16, and later worked as a flight instructor and pilot for Tyrolean Jet Service in Innsbruck. Along the way I also enjoyed aerobatics in various aircraft.
What do you find so exciting about different aeroplanes?
RR: They are all interesting to fly in their own way. Warbirds are like sports cars, they catapult you into a third dimension. As for the B-25, it takes a lot of effort to perform an attractive display. In a DC-6, which also flies beautifully by the way, I’m more attracted by the way the crew members work together and how enthusiastic people are when you taxi past. Every aircraft is a challenge to me, and our fleet is incredibly diverse.
How did you get into flying?
RR: I was always fascinated by flying, but first I made a detour into studying architecture while taking my airline pilot’s licence and training as a flying instructor. My degree course was great, but when I was offered a job as a flight instructor and operations manager by a flying school, I had to let it go. Flying is my vocation though, so I have never regretted it.
What do you think makes a good pilot?
RR: I think it’s all about flexibility and the capacity to adapt quickly. Of course, you also need to develop a sense for the three-dimensional nature of airspace, especially when performing aerobatics. For us, the ability to fly an aeroplane by hand with precision is still very important as well.
You once said things really got moving when you met Sigi Angerer. How did that first encounter with the former Flight Officer of the Flying Bulls come about?
RR: That was long before the Flying Bulls came into existence. Sigi was working as a Flight Officer for Tyrolean Jet Service in Innsbruck. I applied to them but didn’t hear anything for weeks. Eventually he called me and asked whether I would transfer a Citation from Innsbruck to Salzburg with him. When we got there, a nice man was waiting. Many years later, I found out this was Dietrich Mateschitz. That was my debut for Tyrolean Jet Service, where I would spend some memorable years flying an air ambulance, especially the Falcon 10. It was highly unconventional, with small airfields and some wild approaches, but it gave me a good schooling.
While you were flying in Tyrol, the idea of the Flying Bulls was taking shape. How did you first come into contact with them?
RR: Sigi told me one day that Red Bull had acquired a B-25 and was bringing it to Innsbruck. I couldn’t believe it, I was overjoyed. At the time, he already had a Corsair plus the T-28. I then started helping out with the B-25 and coming along on flight days. This didn’t go unnoticed by Sigi, and at some stage he asked me if I would like to be his co-pilot. My first flight was in 1999, and after that things moved fast. When they acquired the DC-6 in 2000, I moved to the Flying Bulls on a part-time basis. I went full-time in 2002, starting with the T-28, B-25 and a Citation. More and more aircraft were added, then eventually I succeeded Sigi as Flight Officer and chief pilot.
What was your vision when you took on the role?
RR: Exactly what we are doing now! Bringing passionate pilots and superb aeroplanes together and showcasing them in ever more demanding ways, but always safely. We do formations, aerobatics and everything that goes with it.
For you, what is so exceptional about the concept of the Flying Bulls?
RR: The outstanding cooperation between the technicians and us pilots. Our technicians are unique in Europe, perhaps even the world. They really do an outstanding job. Of course, our approach is unique too. We put our aircraft under more strain than others, I think. Every year, we perform aerobatics and close formation flying at around 50 events. We are well aware of the workload, so the engineering has to be up to the task.

When I climb into a cockpit, I’m ready to go.